Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Back to the Mancave

After what can only be described as a busy, fun and expensive week I finally make my way back to my secret base...the Mancave, and by secret I mean My wife had already ready gotten there before me and was using it as a roller rink to try out her new skates.

Catch me if you can!!!
After spending 5 minutes chasing her round my mancave trying to figure out how she found her way here, I finally talked her into helping me set up the rest of my gacha loot.

Woohoo 3064 Points!!
First there was the Bloki the machine, this was my first real WANT from the gacha arcade event so when my good friend Nadya won one, you can imagine how happy I was when she gave it to me. In my opinion Scarlet Apple has done a great job with this playable machine, and overall has one of the most fun machines at the entire event.
Say cheese!!
Again, another good showing by Scarlet Apple, here we have the photo booth, a nice item, well made, and fun to play around with. If you dont have one of these for yourself then they are scatted around the outside along the pier of the arcade event for you to go look at, defiantly worth checking out.

Its alot smaller in here than I expected

Another item I was desperate to get my hands on was this blue phone box from floorplan, and thanks to a few good trades I was able to finally make it mine. While it serves no real purpose it looks dam cool standing in the corner of my mancave.

aaaaaaaaand relax
After 3 days of non stop shopping and trading its nice to finally sit down and relax with a nice book, and what better place to do it than my newly constructed reading corner. While none of these items are rare, some of them were defiantly hard to come by and its easy to see why. These spot lamps from the Trompie Loeli gacha machine are just amazing, they fit so perfectly into the room. The Bibliotheque chair by Alouette, while not rare, comes in a variety of of colours and some are sought after alot more than others, so depending on what your looking it for may be easy to find the one for you. The art on the wall and the pouf are once again brought to you by Scarlet Apple. They are pretty easy to pick up at most yard sales the art comes in 3 styles, and the pouf comes with a texture script that has 3 looks too. They add the perfect little finishing touches to my reading corner. 

SO that's it..I survived the March arcade event, I now have 3 months to relax and get back to shopping for clothes until I have to do it all over again.


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Established June 1st 2014 The Pixel Cheesecake
A Blog by Pixel Cheesecake Panda