As a man in Second Life who likes to shop it is always exciting to come across a new designer producing high quality mesh clothing for us, and they don't get much newer than One Eleven.
With only 3 t-shirts to choose from, and set an an incredibly reasonable price I didn't hesitate for a moment buying out everything he had to offer on the market place, and rushed straight to my platform to show them all off. In the hope to shed a little light on this new creator, in the hope that it encourages them to carry on the amazing work.
Normally when I blog, I like to try and set a scene, and write a story, try to draw a picture for you all of what is going on, but honestly, I felt that I wanted these shirts to speak for themselves. Its so easy for us to just glance at all the textures around us and just take them for granted. we see hundreds, thousands of them a day. A lot of the hard work creators do for the most part goes unnoticed and so I wanted to keep it simple and clean, to make the shirts the main focus, and to really highlight the effort made by the owner of One Eleven on these stunning textures.
I really hope this is just a sign of things to come, and once One Eleven finds their stride that they really start to experiment with a whole manner of clothing. I will definitely be adding them to my watch list, and honestly, I think you should to. At only 50L$ these T-shirts are most definitely great value for money.
Credits -
-One Eleven- Watermelon Delight T-Shirt -][- Watermelon Delight Marketplace
-One Eleven- Pug Life T-Shirt -][- Pug Life Market Place
-One Eleven- Cloud Scape T-Shirt -][- Coud Scape Marketplace
{theosophy} Monmouth Glasses (Coal) -][- (Theosopy) SLUrl
.::[NerdMonkey] - [DIY Slim Pants with suspenders]::. -][- [NerdMonky] SLUrl